Discus Fish
Discus are colorful, graceful and charismatic tank inhabitants. Discus are considered to require a higher level of care than other aquarium fish. Their basic requirements are a larger aquarium (3ft+ is recommended) and stable, clean water. For this reason alone they are not recommended for the beginner aquarist. Discus can be housed with many any other fish as long as they require the same water conditions. They are not compatible with larger aggressive fish such as oscar's or smaller fin nipping varieties.
Discus do best with smaller tetra’s such as neon tetras, cardinal tetras, ember tetras, harlequin tetras and rummynose tetras. Tetras are usually the most common compliment to discus as they contrast the size and add movement to the aquarium.
Temperature ~84°F
Temperature ~84°F
Good Quality Fish thanks Sanjeewa